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Experiment Summary

2024-05-07 19:37:10
a) According to these combinations:- Mixture 1 (water + vinegar) might mixed well.- Mixture 2 (water + oil) did not mix.- Mixture 3 (water + alcohol) may have mixed well.- Mixture 4 (vinegar + oil) was not mixed.- Mixture 5 (vinegar + alcohol) should have mixed well.- Mixture 6 (oil + alcohol) was not mixed properly.b) While doing this experiment, I observed what happens when different liquids are combined. It was fascinating to see which ones produced uniform solutions and which remained separate phases.c) This activity taught me about solubility in water or other substances as well as between them. For example, it is clear that alcohol can be dissolved by water but not oil due to their polarities and molecular structures. Similarly, vinegar being mostly made up of acetic acid dissolved in water or alcohol but not with oils because they are polar too.

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