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My little one likes to learn coding.

๋Jatuphorn Thonglard
2024-04-21 21:19:21
Lily wasn't your typical five-year-old. While other kids were busy building castles in the sandbox, Lily was mesmerized by the colorful lights and whirring sounds of her dad's laptop. Her bright eyes followed the way his fingers danced across the keyboard, creating magic on the screen. One day, her curiosity bubbled over.Daddy, she asked, her voice laced with wonder, what are you doing with that box?Her dad, a software engineer, smiled warmly. This isn't just a box, Lily, he explained, it's a computer. And I'm telling it what to do with a special language called coding.Lily's brow furrowed. Coding? Like a secret code?Exactly! Her dad chuckled. We write instructions, and the computer follows them to do amazing things.

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