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One upon a time

08_Ronak K
2024-05-13 06:54:29
In an antique shop, Mia discovered a beautiful mirror with an ornate frame. She hung it in her bedroom, enchanted by its elegance. But as the days passed, Mia noticed something unsettling—the reflection in the mirror seemed to distort, showing glimpses of a shadowy figure lurking behind her.Ignoring her unease, Mia tried to convince herself it was just her imagination. But one night, as she stood before the mirror brushing her hair, the figure in the reflection reached out and grabbed her shoulder with icy fingers.Mia recoiled in horror, stumbling backward and knocking over the mirror. To her disbelief, the reflection remained unchanged, the figure now stepping out from the mirror's surface into her room.Paralyzed with fear, Mia watched as the figure advanced towards her, its features twisted into a grotesque grin. She tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips.As the figure drew closer, Mia's mind raced with terror. What did it want? Why was it haunting her?Just as the figure was inches away, Mia's instincts kicked in, and she bolted out of the room, slamming the door behind her. She ran downstairs, desperate to escape the nightmare unfolding in her own home.The figure seemed to follow, its presence looming over her like a dark cloud. Mia realized she couldn't outrun itSummoning every bit of courage, Mia returned to her room and faced the mirror. The figure stood before her, its twisted form reflecting her own terrorized face.With trembling hands, Mia reached out and touched the mirror's surface. In an instant, the figure dissolved into a swirl of shadows, disappearing as if it had never been there.

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