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2024-03-21 13:52:25
The generation of alternative solutions step is facilitated by using the four principles associatedwith brainstorming.1. Don’t criticize ideas while generating possible solutions2. Freewheel, i.e., offer even seemingly wild and outrageous ideas in an effort to trigger moreusable ideas from others.4. Combine and improve on ideas that have been offered.C. The choice of an alternative step comes only after the alternatives are evaluated systematicallyaccording to six general criteria:1. Feasibility is the extent to which an alternative can be accomplished within relatedorganizational constraints, such as time, budgets, technology, and policies.2. Quality is the extent to which an alternative effectively solves the problem underconsideration.3. Acceptability is the degree to which the decision makers and others who will be affected by theimplementation of the alternative are willing to support it.4. Costs are the resource levels required and the extent to which the alternative is likely to haveundesirable side effects.5. Reversibility is the extent to which the alternative can be reversed, if at all.6. The ethics criterion refers to the extent to which an alternative is compatible with the socialresponsibilities of the organization and with ethical standards.D. Finally, the implementing and monitoring the chosen solution step must be planned to avoidfailure of the entire effort.1. Implementation requires careful planning.a. The amount of planning depends upon whether the projected changes are minor or major.b. Irreversible changes require a great deal of planning.2. Implementation requires sensitivity to those involved in or affected by the implementation.a Affected individuals are more likely to support a decision when they are able to participatein its implementation.b If Participation is not feasible, individuals should be kept informed of the changes.3. Monitoring is necessary to ensure that things are progressing as planned and that the problemthat triggered the planning process has been resolved.Decision Making Situation:Decision-making situations differ according to the types of problems that must be handled.Certainty is a situation in which a manager can make accurate decisions because the outcome of everyalternative is known.

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