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Unit 3 Fast Fashion Is Killing Our Planet 快速時尚正在毀滅我們的地球

2024-05-25 13:01:42
By using cheap workers and polyester,those fast fashion companies canmake cheap clothes at a low cost in a short time.藉著使用廉價勞工和便宜聚酯,那些快速時尚公司能夠在很短時間之內以很低成本製作便宜衣服。But, in this way, they are also makingthe air, land, and water dirtier.但是,以這種方式,他們也正使得空氣、土地和水變得更髒。On average, everyone in the world buysabout 55 kilograms of clothes each year.平均上,每年世界上的每個人都購買大約五十五公斤的衣服。Because of that, he or she throws away33 kilograms of oil,3300 kilograms of water, and55 kilograms of waste.因為那樣,他或她丟棄三十三公斤的石油、三千三百公斤的水和五十五公斤的廢棄物。Next time, when you want tobuy clothes from these companies,stop for a second andthink about the costto the environment and poor workers.下次,當你想要從這些公司購買衣服時,稍停一下並思考對環境和可憐勞工的代價。Maybe you don’t need tobuy them at all.或許你一點也不需要購買它們。Mandala Chart: Nine-Square Grid 曼陀羅九宮格Mandala chart is a 3x3 framewith a central core.曼陀羅九宮格有一個中央核心的三乘三架構。It is a thinking methoddeveloped by Yasuo Matsumurain 1979 to enrich life and business.它是由今泉浩晃於一九七九年研發的一種思考方式來充實人生和事業。

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