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Unit 2 Chadwick Boseman: A Real-Life Superhero 查德威克˙鮑斯曼:現實生活中的超級英雄

2024-05-25 13:00:45
On August 29, 2020,former US President Barack Obama tweeted,“To be young, gifted, and Black; to use that powerto give them heroes to look up to;to do it all while in pain –what a use of his years.”2020年8月29日,美國前總統歐巴馬發推文說:「年輕、有才華且是個黑人,他使那些英雄受人仰望,在痛苦中全力以赴,用盡他的一生。」He was paying tribute toBlack Panther star Chadwick Boseman.他是在向電影《黑豹》明星查德威克·鮑斯曼致敬。The 43-year-old actor had diedthe day before from colon cancer.這位43歲的演員於前一天因大腸癌辭世。Boseman first found outabout his condition four years agobut had never spoken publicly about it.鮑斯曼於四年前首次發現自己的病情,但從未公開發表過有關此病的消息。He continued to work while getting treated,and he brought life to the important roleshe played in Marshall, Da 5 Bloods,the Avengers movies, and of course, Black Panther.他在接受治療的同時繼續工作,在《黑白正義》、《誓血五人組》、《復仇者聯盟》電影,以及《黑豹》中扮演的重要角色,並賦予這些角色生命。Boseman was a true fighter and herobecause he never let on aboutwhat he was going through.鮑斯曼是一位真正的鬥士和英雄,因為他從不透露自己經歷的一切。

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