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Unit 2 Chadwick Boseman: A Real-Life Superhero 查德威克˙鮑斯曼:現實生活中的超級英雄

2024-05-25 13:00:59
Also, since he appeared healthy during that time,his death came as quite a shock to everyonewho knew and worked with him.而且,由於他在那段時間看起來很健康,所以他的死給所有認識他並與他一起工作的人,都感到震驚不已。Boseman will surely be rememberedfor his achievements in acting,but he will be missed mostfor his amazing braverywhile fighting for his life.鮑斯曼在演藝方面的成就必定會被人們所銘記,但他最會被懷念的,是他為自己的生命而戰時驚人的勇氣。For many people, Chadwick Bosemantruly was a superhero.對於許多人來說,鮑斯曼確實是一位超級英雄。

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