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Unit 1 About SDGs 關於聯合國永續發展目標

2024-05-25 13:00:29
However, how do we take care of our Earth?然而,我們如何照顧我們的地球呢?All we need to do is to pay attention on SDGs first.我們需要做的所有事情是首先注意永續發展目標。Therefore, we will read SDGs, discuss SDGsand then put SDGs into practice in our daily life.因此,我們將會閱讀永續發展目標、討論永續發展目標,然後在我們日常生活實踐永續發展目標。Create the world for you, your family,your son, your grandson, and others.為你、你的家人、你的兒子、你的孫子和他人創造這個世界。Be the change you want to see.成為自己想要看見的改變。In this course, we will learnsome global issues and reading skills.在這個課程裡,我們將會學習一些全球議題和閱讀技能。Hope to have a better world and better English together.希望一起擁有更好世界和更好英語。Venn diagrams are used toshow mathematical or logical connectionsbetween different groups of things.文氏圖被使用於展示不同團體的事物之間的數學或邏輯聯繫。They show “rough relationships”between sets or classes.它們展示群組或類別之間的「大致的關係」。Also, they are often used tounderstand some rules about set operations.而且,它們時常被使用於了解關於集合運算的一些規則。

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