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Grandma's Mysterious Seeds

2024-04-26 12:39:47
Once upon a time, in a peaceful village surrounded by natural beauty, lived an elderly couple - a kind-hearted grandma and a simple-minded grandpa. One day, grandma bought home a bag of mysterious dream seeds from the town market.Grandma (excitedly showing the seeds to grandpa): Look, grandpa, these are the legendary dream seeds. The foreign merchant said the flowers they grow will be extraordinary!Grandpa (leaning in curiously): Dream seeds? How interesting, I wonder what kind of flowers will bloom from them?Grandma (full of anticipation): The merchant said these flowers will manifest the most beautiful dreams and memories in one's heart. Let's plant them in our garden and see if a miracle happens!So the elderly couple carefully planted the dream seeds in a corner of their garden, praying for a miracle to occur. Sure enough, after some tender care, the seeds soon sprouted, grew leaves, and formed buds.One month later, when the first peculiar flower bloomed, the old couple was amazed - it was like a dream flower that could talk! The petals seemed to show their young selves dancing at a ball. Grandma cried tears of joy as it was one of her most cherished memories.Grandpa (holding grandma's hand emotionally): Grandma, look, there's also the scene from our honeymoon vacation by the sea! This is unbelievable.Subsequently, more wondrous flowers of different shapes and colors blossomed, each depicting the dreams and memories of its owner. Soon, this one-of-a-kind dream garden became renowned throughout the small village, attracting numerous villagers and tourists to admire its beauty.One day, as the elderly couple welcomed another wave of visitors, a gluttonous little lamb accidentally stumbled into the garden. The lamb's eyes lit up at the lush greenery and vibrant blooms, drooling uncontrollably.Lamb (devouring ravenously): Baa baa baa! So much delicious grass and fresh flowers, a true lamb's paradise!Grandma (startled): Hey! Little lamb, what are you doing? Stop it right now, those are our precious dream flowers!

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