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2024-09-17 00:59:54
t was nearly one O”clock. I was feeling extremely hungry and went to a vegetarian restaurant. Restaurants of this type are to be found in various parts of London. During lunch hours in those days, London restaurants were not very crowded. There were about three or four people in the room. I chose a corner table, seated myself, and opened the newspaper.Soon the waitress came, took my order, and went away briskly and noiselessly.At that moment I noticed that a young English girl of about thirteen or fourteen years was gazing at me. Her clothes betrayed her poverty. Her eyes were large and they had a sad expression.As she was going out she asked the cashier in a low voice,“Is that gentleman an Indian?”“I think so,” the cashier answered. The girl looked at me once more, with a startled air, and went out.It surprised me. Why? What was the matter? Her interest in me aroused my interest in her. When I had finished my lunch I asked the waitress. “Do you know the girl who was sitting over there?”“No, sir. I notice she has lunch here on Saturdays. Saturday is pay-day. That is when she comes. She may not be able to afford lunch on other days. Perhaps she does not earn very much.”

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