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Famous experiments in psychology

2024-05-07 21:00:04
One of the most famous experiments in psychology is the Stanford Prison Experiment conducted by Philip Zimbardo in 1971. The study recruited college students to act as guards and prisoners in a simulated prison environment. The results showed how quickly people can conform to assigned roles, with the guards displaying cruel behavior towards the prisoners within days. Another well-known experiment is the Milgram Experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram in 1961. Participants were instructed to administer electric shocks to another person (who was actually an actor pretending to be in pain) when they answered questions incorrectly. Despite the actor's pleas to stop, a shocking percentage of participants continued to administer the shocks, demonstrating the power of authority figures in influencing behavior. Ivan Pavlov’s classical conditioning experiment with dogs is also a foundational study in psychology. By pairing a bell with the presentation of food, Pavlov conditioned the dogs to salivate at the sound of the bell alone, demonstrating how behaviors can be learned through associations. These experiments have become pivotal in understanding human behavior and psychological processes, shedding light on conformity, obedience, and learning mechanisms. They continue to be studied and referenced in psychology courses and research to this day.

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