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Hi Kids, Welcome

Muchael Mills
2024-05-23 15:04:31
In a land of dreams and sunny skies,Where rainbows sparkle and dragons fly,There lived a boy named Timmy True,With his cat, a mouse, and a kangaroo.Timmy's house was by a hill,Where flowers bloomed, and time stood still.Each morning bright, he'd rise and say,What adventures await today?One fine day, he found a map,Rolled up tight, within a gap.With stars and trails, it seemed to show,A place where magic waters flow.Let's go explore! cried Timmy True,To his cat, his mouse, and kangaroo.With a hop and a skip, they set on their quest,Through the woods where birds had nests.They crossed a bridge of cobblestone,Where the wind sang a gentle tone.The forest whispered, Don't be late,For magic hides beyond the gate.The gate was tall, of silver gleam,Like something from a wondrous dream.Timmy knocked and to his surprise,It opened wide before his eyes.Inside, the world was bright and grand,A sparkling, twinkling fairyland.With trees of gold and rivers blue,And flowers in every vibrant hue.A fairy queen with wings so light,Flew down to greet them with delight.Welcome, friends, to our domain,Where joy and laughter never wane.Dear queen, said Timmy, standing tall,We seek the magic waters' call.She smiled and waved her wand with grace,Follow the path to the special place.They journeyed on through fields of light,Past dancing stars and fireflies bright.Until they reached a bubbling spring,Where joy and wonder seemed to sing.Timmy dipped a toe, then two,And felt the magic through and through.The waters swirled, a sparkling blue,Granting wishes pure and true.He wished for friends and happiness,For kindness, love, and nothing less.The waters glowed and shone so bright,Fulfilling wishes with their light.Timmy turned to his furry crew,His cat, his mouse, and kangaroo.With magic here and dreams so sweet,Our journey’s end is quite the treat.

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