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International Day of Cooperatives

M Z Kamal
2024-04-27 23:49:44
International Day of Cooperatives is celebrated on the first Saturday of every July. This year the day will be celebrated on July 3 by cooperatives all across the world.The aim of this celebration is to increase awareness about cooperatives by highlighting how the United Nations shares similar goals and objectives as the international cooperative movement. This day aims to acknowledge the contributions of cooperatives to resolve some of the major international issues that have drawn the attention of the United Nations.The day also aims to strengthen and extend partnerships between the international cooperative movement and other outfits of social development.HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL DAY OF COOPERATIVES:Cooperatives are associations and enterprises that allow people to improve their lives while contributing to the economic, social, cultural, and political advancement of their community and nation. For years, these cooperatives have been responsible for wealth creation and eliminating poverty.They are also often major stakeholders in national and international affairs. The members contribute equitably to and democratically control the wealth and profits of the cooperative association.Cooperatives tend to be people centered and not capital centered, therefore they tend to be more ethical and fair when it comes to accelerating capital concentration.Co-operatives also foster equality. Since they are community based, cooperatives are committed to the sustainable development of their communities this includes environmental, social, and economic sustainability.Cooperatives also contribute to community activities, local businesses, and decision-making that impacts their communities. Although they are mostly focused on their local community, cooperatives aspire to share their economic and social success with everyone.They also aim to erase inequality and excesses that are rampant under modern-day capitalism. The cooperative movement is highly democratic and locally autonomous but internationally integrated.The movement encourages citizens to be self-reliant and take responsibility for their economic, social, and environmental prosperity. Cooperatives have been successful in overcoming poverty, securing productive employment, and encouraging social integration.

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