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Freedom and Duty

Saksham Chourasiya
2024-05-23 18:56:02
Kai, a loyal Guard of the Undercity, patrolled the metal tunnels. Above, the gleaming City of Light thrived under its artificial sun. Kai knew nothing but duty. Yet, a flicker of rebellion sparked when an old scavenger, Anya, showed him a crack in the ceiling – a glimpse of the forgotten sky.The idea of freedom, of a world beyond the harsh metal walls, gnawed at him. Anya spoke of sprawling fields and whispering winds, a world Kai longed to see. Torn between his duty and the yearning for the unknown, he confided in Anya.Freedom, she rasped, is a heavy cloak, Kai. We choose our own path, but face the dangers that come with it.Was defying his post worth the risk? Kai looked at his comrades, their faces hardened by duty. But the image of the sky, a vast canvas beyond the tunnels, lingered. He knew he had to choose.

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