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2024-09-10 17:41:36
CHRISTIANITY AND THE PREDICTED END OF THIS WORLD.ONE WORLD RELIGION AND END TIME BIBLE PROPHECY.The one-world religion described in Revelation 17:1–18 will be part of the end-times scenario. The Bible indicates some sort of one-world religion under the false prophet, perhaps made up of different religions and sects that are around today. Let's find out more...BACKGROUND ABOUT WORLD RELIGION.According to a study conducted by researchers at Oxford University, human beings are naturally religious. It took 57 researchers to conduct 40 studies in 20 locations across the globe to arrive at that conclusion. They found out that humans have a predisposition to believe in some kind of divine being. The simple explanation is that we were created in God's image, and we were created to glorify and worship him. The problem is that sin severely damaged our worship instinct.IN THE BEGINNING BABYLON AND IDOLATRY.Let's rewind to the period of antiquity. The first commandment God gave to the Hebrew people: “You shall have no other gods before Me,” an important place for him to start in the 10 Commandments with the Hebrews because they had been in slavery in Egyptian culture for 400 years. An ancient civilization that was littered with false gods and false religions. And so, it was important for God as he began a relationship with his chosen people, to say, “You shall have no other gods before Me. I AM the one true God, Jehovah,” he said. But the history of Israel and the history of humanity in general proves that our hearts easily drift toward false religion.

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