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2024-08-27 20:05:18
When a person enters the car, they must first buckle their seatbelt for the fingerprint sensor to activate. If an authorized fingerprint is detected, the vehicle will start; otherwise, a buzzer will sound. Once the vehicle starts with an authorized fingerprint, alcohol detection and eye-blink monitoring are continuously active. If alcohol is detected or the driver is drowsy, the vehicle will gradually stop. Additionally, if there are any maintenance issues, such as low fuel or an oil leak, the Text-to-Speech (TTS) function will inform the owner or driver of the problem in English or Marathi. In case of an accident, the system uses GPS/GSM modules to send a message with the driver's location to predefined numbers. The accident is detected using vibration, accelerometer, and gyroscope sensors. This is the Advanced Vehicle Safety System (AVSS).

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