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A beautiful castle in Croatia with a scary part

Robert Pavic
2024-05-16 03:46:03
The story dates back to the early 19th century, specifically July 1838, when Lieutenant Kuschmann of the Imperial Cavalry Regiment visited a castle in Croatia. Kuschmann, who was acquainted with the Prandau family, stayed at the castle to recover from an illness, as recommended by his doctor due to the therapeutic iron-rich waters of Valpovo.During his stay, Kuschmann experienced a series of eerie nocturnal visitations by the ghost of a young girl dressed in white. She claimed to have been murdered a hundred years earlier, and her body was hidden between the icehouse and the chapel within the castle complex. The ghost, who was referred to as the White Lady, insisted that her spirit would not rest until her remains were properly buried in consecrated ground. She also promised that fulfilling this wish would restore Kuschmann's health and reveal the location of hidden treasure within the castle grounds.At first, Baron Gustav Prandau was skeptical, dismissing the ghostly visitations as mere hallucinations caused by Kuschmann's illness. However, the baron's wife took the story seriously and urged her husband to investigate the matter. Accompanied by the castle priest, Baron Prandau ordered his servants to dig at the location described by the White Lady.To everyone's astonishment, they unearthed a woman's skeleton precisely where the ghost had indicated. This discovery led to a report being sent to Bishop Ivan Sćitovsky of Pécs, who authorized a proper Catholic burial for the remains. After the burial, Kuschmann's health miraculously improved, and the White Lady was never seen again. Despite the efforts, the hidden treasure she mentioned was never found, adding to the enduring mystery of the legend.

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