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Hello, and welcome to this exciting journey into the world of the Roli Seaboard Rise, a revolutionary ins

Andrew Polyakov
2024-05-03 16:03:42
[Opening shot of the musician sitting with a Roli Seaboard Rise in front of them]Musician: [Smiling, enthusiastic]Hello, and welcome to this exciting journey into the world of the Roli Seaboard Rise, a revolutionary instrument that redefines what a keyboard can do. I’m [Name], and I’ll be guiding you through the incredible capabilities of this instrument.[Cut to a close-up of the Seaboard Rise’s keys]Musician: [Voiceover, as the camera focuses on the keys]Unlike traditional keyboards, the Seaboard Rise features what we call 'Keywaves' instead of keys. This unique design allows for intuitive control over sound through five dimensions of touch: Strike, Press, Glide, Slide, and Lift.[Demonstration: Musician gently strikes and presses a keywave, then glides and slides fingers over the surface]

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