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animation that explains the concept of Authentication and Authorization

Aran Agarwal
2024-04-21 18:30:46
Background: A computer system or network illustrationCharacter 1: A user character approaching the systemVoiceover: Authentication and Authorization are two crucial security concepts in computer systems and applications.Background: Same as Scene 1Character 1: User character trying to access the systemVisual: A lock icon or a closed door appears in front of the userVoiceover: Authentication verifies a user's identity.Background: Same as previous sceneVisual: User character enters a username and passwordVisual: The lock icon or door unlocks, indicating successful authenticationVoiceover: The user provides credentials, such as a username and password, which the system verifies.Character 1: User character inside the systemVisual: Multiple resources or areas within the system, some accessible and some restrictedVoiceover: After authentication, Authorization determines what actions or resources the user can access.Visual: User character attempts to access a restricted resourceVisual: A permission denied icon or barrier appearsVoiceover: The system checks the user's access rights or permissions based on their role or assigned privileges.Visual: User character accesses a permitted resourceVisual: The resource or area becomes accessibleVoiceover: If the user has the required permissions, they are granted access to the requested resources or actions.

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