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Victor Ndukwe
2024-08-25 16:41:11
[INT. COURTROOM – DAY]The courtroom is tense. The DEFENDANT stands handcuffed, looking defeated. The JUDGE sits high, sternly watching. In the shadows, SATAN smirks with satisfaction.JUDGE:commandingI declare you guilty of all your sins. Officers, take him away.The GUARDS move to take the DEFENDANT. SATAN lets out an awkward, sinister laugh that echoes unsettlingly.SATAN:snickeringFinally... another soul is mine.As the GUARDS approach, the courtroom doors burst open. JESUS enters, calm and authoritative, drawing everyone's gaze.JESUS:firmly, with compassionStop! That man is not guilty.The room falls silent. The GUARDS hesitate, confused. The DEFENDANT looks up, hope flickering in his eyes.JESUS:continuingI bore his sins on the cross and have taken his place. I am therefore guilty.The JUDGE stares at JESUS, contemplating His words. SATAN's smirk fades to anger. He steps forward, trying to intervene.SATAN:furiousNo! This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!Ignoring SATAN, the JUDGE nods to the GUARDS, signaling them to release the DEFENDANT. They move to JESUS, gently placing the handcuffs on Him. The DEFENDANT, now free, watches in disbelief, tears filling his eyes.JUDGE:solemnlyTake Him away.The GUARDS lead JESUS away as SATAN seethes with rage, powerless. The DEFENDANT falls to his knees, overwhelmed with gratitude.SATAN:shouting in furyThis isn’t over!The courtroom fades to black, with SATAN’s anger echoing in the silence.[FADE OUT]

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