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Marcelo Treviño Ibáñez
2024-05-31 01:49:57
Scene 1: We see Matilda at home, chilling, thinking about how her life could be better and about her ideal husband who is rich.Matilda is sitting in her living room, with a cup of tea in hand. She is lost in thought as she gazes out the window.Matilda: (sighs) What would it be like to have everything I want?Scene 2: We see Matilda with her friends (wealthy) talking about how they are about to graduate with her boyfriend Lorenzo.Matilda is at an elegant café with her friends. They are toasting with champagne glasses.Matilda: Girls, I can't believe we're finally graduating! And with Lorenzo by my side, it'll be perfect.Scene 3: Matilda at home talking to her dad (in this scene, the dad will be Trevs) asking him for money for her graduation dress.[Trevs is sitting on the couch, reading the newspaper, as Matilda approaches him timidly.]Matilda: Dad, could you lend me some money for my graduation dress?Trevs: (frowning) Matilda, we've already given you enough money. You should learn to manage it.Scene 4: Matilda at her best friend's house (Skibidia) finding one within her price range, they all get excited.[Matilda and Skibidia are sitting on the floor of Skibidia's room, surrounded by clothes.]Skibidia: Look at this, Matilda! It's perfect for you!Matilda: (excitedly) Yes! It's exactly what I was looking for!Scene 5: Matilda calls the store to reserve it.[Matilda is on her phone, dialing the store's number.]Matilda: (while waiting) Hello! Could you please reserve the dress I saw today?

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