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Who is that moon?

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2024-08-27 17:13:53
Long ago, the universe was a tumultuous place, with swirling gases and chaotic collisions. One of these collisions was particularly significant. It involved the early Earth and a wandering celestial body, often called Theia.Theia was roughly the size of Mars and drifted through space until it crossed paths with the young Earth. The collision was catastrophic, sending massive debris into orbit around our planet. This debris, a mix of molten rock and fragments, gradually began to coalesce under its own gravity.Over time, this debris formed a single, spherical body. It was not immediately visible to early Earth’s inhabitants, but it began to shine with a soft light, reflecting the sunlight that struck it. This new body, now orbiting Earth, was the Moon.As billions of years passed, the Moon’s surface cooled and solidified. Meteorites bombarded it, creating craters and scars that tell the story of its violent past. The Moon’s gravity began to influence Earth, stabilizing its tilt and contributing to the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tides.The Moon's surface became a silent witness to Earth's history, capturing our imagination and influencing countless myths and dreams. Its creation was a pivotal event in the story of our planet, a reminder of the dynamic forces that shaped the solar system.

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