Create AI Video
Create AI Video


Suthar Rudra_yvmb
2024-06-06 17:43:02
Here's a condensed version:1. Introduction: The opening part of a presentation giving an overview of the topic.2. Organised Sector: Formal businesses operating within regulatory frameworks, paying taxes, and contributing to the official economy.3. Functions: Manufacturing, services, employment generation, economic growth, quality standards, innovation.4. Surveys: Systematic data collection methods like questionnaires and interviews.5. Economic Census: Comprehensive government surveys on the structure and functioning of the economy.6. Annual Surveys of Industries: Regular data collection on industrial activities focusing on production, employment, and investment.7. Census of MSMEs: Comprehensive enumeration of micro, small, and medium enterprises to assess their contribution to the economy.8. Surveys on Unincorporated: Data collection on businesses operating outside formal legal structures to understand their role in the economy and design appropriate policies.

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