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Worry: A Tricky Habit and How to Beat It

Lida Rahmani
2024-05-29 02:44:41
We all worry sometimes. It fills our heads with thoughts, big and small, about what might go wrong. This can make us feel anxious, lose sleep, and even lose our appetite.Believe it or not, worry starts from a good place! Our brains think it's helping us prepare for bad things that might happen. But when we worry, our bodies release chemicals that make us ready to fight or run away. The problem is, these chemicals stay in our bodies even when the worry isn't real, making us feel anxious.Instead of ignoring worry, let's accept it. Notice what happens to your body when you worry, and learn ways to calm down, like deep breathing or yoga.Here's a strange but effective trick: spend 15 minutes each day just worrying. Think of it like telling a friend, Not now, I can't talk about this. You can do the same with worries!During these 15 minutes, just think about your worries, but don't try to solve them. Imagine them like clouds floating through your mind. After 15 minutes, move on!This might seem odd, but with practice, it can help you control your worries and feel less anxious.

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