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Yogapriya S 21MIS1045 DA-3

Yogapriya S 21MIS1045
2024-04-28 21:45:01
Scene 1: Information HighwayVisual: A vibrant digital landscape. Data streams in bright colors zip across the screen, representing messages and information flowing between devices. People use sleek gadgets, sending emails and video calls.Narrator: The information highway is booming! Data travels at lightning speed, connecting people and businesses across the globe.Scene 2: The SnatchersVisual: Dark, shadowy figures lurk in the corners of the digital world. They reach out with clawed hands, trying to snag the data streams.Narrator: But lurking in the shadows are cybercriminals. They want to steal valuable information for their own gain.Focus on: One figure lunges for a data stream labeled Financial Records.Narrator: Look out! Those financial records are in danger!Scene 3: Encryption ShieldVisual: Just before the snatcher grabs the data, it flows through a shimmering blue shield. As it passes through, the data transforms from clear text to a jumbled mess of symbols - 7#2$%&KJ!Narrator: But wait! The information is protected by a powerful shield – encryption!Focus on: The frustrated snatcher staring at the scrambled data.Scene 4: Decryption KeyVisual: A close-up on a vault labeled Authorized Access. A hand inserts a glowing key, unlocking the vault. Inside, the scrambled data rearranges itself back into the clear Financial Records.Narrator: Only authorized users with the decryption key can access the scrambled information.Scene 5: Secure FutureVisual: The digital landscape flourishes. Data streams flow freely, some encrypted, some unencrypted. People work and communicate with confidence.Narrator: With encryption, we build a secure digital world where data is protected and everyone can operate with peace of mind.

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