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Title: The Mango Tree

2024-09-10 01:32:05
Scene 1: The Village AfternoonLocation: A small village in India, warm and sunny. A big, old mango tree stands at the center of a quiet field.Main Character: Ravi, a 7-year-old boy, sits under the mango tree, staring up at the branches filled with ripe, juicy mangoes.Action:Ravi’s stomach growls as he looks at the yellow mangoes high up in the tree. He wants one but knows it’s too high to reach.He stands up, determined to figure out a way to get a mango.Dialogue (Ravi, talking to himself):How do I get one? They’re so high!Animation Cues:The camera shows the height of the tree, making the mangoes seem far away, with Ravi looking up and scratching his head in thought.Scene 2: The First AttemptLocation: Under the mango tree, in the sunny field.Action:Ravi finds a long stick nearby and tries to knock a mango down. He stretches as far as he can, but the stick is too short.The stick barely touches the lowest branch, and no mangoes fall.Dialogue (Ravi, sighing):This stick is no good.Animation Cues:The stick wobbles as Ravi tries to poke the mangoes, but nothing happens. He drops the stick, frustrated.Scene 3: Asking for HelpLocation: Near the mango tree, in the field.Action:Ravi spots his friend Amit playing nearby and runs over to ask for help.Together, they stand under the tree, thinking about how to reach the mangoes.Dialogue (Ravi):Amit, can you help me get a mango? They’re too high!Dialogue (Amit):Hmm... let’s try throwing a rock!

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