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How are you today. My name is Esther, your lover of God and medical doctor

Esther Okunola
2024-06-08 02:48:37
I know you know this but it's a reminder. you have the divine life of God in you. You are not ordinary It's called Zoe, the God-kind of life. So in any situation you are, just remember that you carry the divine code in your gene, and you are designed to produce results in the God-kind. You however need to move beyond having a knowledge of it to having a consciousness of this truth. This is where meditation on this truth comes in. Speak this truth to yourself until it becomes your consciousness, until you are so sure of it as you are sure of your first name. Joshua chapter 1 verse 8 says to put God's words in our mouths 24/7 to guarantee success. Your thoughts and words make up your meditation. Upgrade your meditation to the God-kind by filling your thoughts and words with God's words . This is what guarantees good success in life, because you see the challenges of life are mostly the challenges that are first won or lost in the mind or the perspective. Learn to see yourself just as God sees you through the lens of the world. If God created you, then GOD has the sole responsibility to tell you your potentials and possibilities. Your genetic code is in God's words not hidden from you but treasured in His word to dig into and live up to. Stop living below your potentials, stop answering to names God has not called you. God has called you Royalty. Kings rule, Kings dominate. You have the divine blood in your veins, see yourself as God sees you

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