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Good is an adjective. It descr

Y Speaking English
2024-05-27 03:58:37
Good is an adjective. It describes something like a noun. Think of it as a compliment. For example, that's a good book. I had a good breakfast this morning. Good describes breakfast. This is a good movie to watch. Good describes movie. She's a good friend. Good describes friend. Well is used for describing actions. He played the piano well. Well describes played. She did well on her exams. Well describes did. We can see well from this window. Well described C Good is used with linking verbs. Feeling good? I feel good today. Good describes how you feel. She looks good in that outfit. Good describes how she looks. Well is usually an adverb. It describes how something is done, modifying the verb. She sings Well, here are some exceptions. Feeling good. Feel can act as a linking verb here, connecting you to your state of being. Good describes that state well with linking verbs. Well can also be used with linking verbs like am or is to describe how you are. I am well, good for describing things, nouns. Let's practise which is better. I had a good or well breakfast this morning. The answer is good at Describes breakfast. This is a good or well movie to watch with friends. Good slash Well, the answer is good. He did good or well on his history test. The answer is well she sings good or well. She sings well. I don't feel good or well today. Well today that sweater looks good or well on you. Good. We can see good or well from the mountain top. Well they seem to be getting along good or well. The answer is well. I hope you're feeling good or well after your surgery. Well, it's important to eat good or well foods for good health. The answer is good. Until next time, keep well.

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