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Symptoms of PCOS

wonder wonder
2024-08-27 21:31:33
Irregular Periods: Anovulation (no ovulation) or infrequent periods.2. Weight Gain: Unexplained weight gain, particularly in the midsection.3. Acne: Pimples, oily skin, and dandruff.4. Excess Hair Growth: Hirsutism (excess hair on face, chest, back, and buttocks).5. Male Pattern Baldness: Thinning hair or hair loss.6. Cysts on Ovaries: Multiple small cysts on ovaries (detected by ultrasound).7. Fertility Issues: Difficulty getting pregnant.8. Mood Changes: Depression, anxiety, and mood swings.9. Insulin Resistance: High blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.10. Sleep Apnea: Pauses in breathing during sleep.

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