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*The Honest Woodcutter**

2024-08-26 22:19:46
The Honest WoodcutterOnce in a small village, there was a poor woodcutter named Arjun who lived with his family. Every day, Arjun ventured into the forest to chop wood and earn a meager living. One morning, while cutting a large tree near a riverbank, his axe slipped from his hands and fell into the river.Arjun was devastated. His axe was his only tool for earning a living. He prayed to the river goddess for help. As he knelt by the riverbank, the river goddess appeared, shimmering and graceful.Why do you look so troubled? she asked.Arjun explained his predicament. The goddess decided to help and dove into the river. She emerged holding a golden axe and asked, Is this your axe?Arjun shook his head, saying, No, this is not mine.The goddess dove again and returned with a silver axe. Is this yours?Again, Arjun replied, No, this is not mine either.Finally, the goddess surfaced with Arjun's old iron axe. Is this the one?Arjun’s face lit up with relief. Yes, this is mine!The goddess smiled and was pleased with Arjun's honesty. Because of your honesty, I will reward you.The next day, Arjun found the golden and silver axes waiting for him at his home. He used them wisely and soon became prosperous, but he never forgot the lesson of honesty.Arjun continued to live a humble and honest life, and he always remembered the river goddess's gift. His reputation for truthfulness and integrity became well-known, and he was admired by all in the village.

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