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My first day at School

Atif Irshad
2024-04-29 00:19:02
Scene: Exterior of the school, morning.[Atif]: nervously adjusts backpack straps Wow, here we are, first day of school.[Friend]: appears beside you Hey, you ready for this?[You]: takes a deep breath I think so. Let's do this![Friend]: grins That's the spirit![Bell rings, signaling the start of the school day]Scene: Inside the school, hallway.[You]: looks around at all the other students bustling about It's so crowded here.[Friend]: laughs Yeah, it's always like this on the first day. Don't worry, you'll get used to it.[Teacher]: approaches Good morning, everyone! Welcome back to school, and for those of you who are new, welcome![You]: smiles nervously[Teacher]: continues Let's start by heading to our first class. Follow me, everyone!Scene: Inside the classroom.[You]: finds a seat and sits down[Teacher]: Alright, class, let's begin.[You]: listens attentively, trying to absorb everything[Teacher]: after class If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or your classmates. Welcome to the school![You]: smiles Thank you, I'm excited to be here.[Friend]: joins you How was your first class?[You]: grins Not bad, actually. I think I'm going to like it here

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