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Create AI Video


2024-03-05 13:23:10
Who are Managers?A manager is someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their workactivities in order to accomplish organizational goals.What do managers do?Traditionally, a manager’s job has been classified according to the following four functionsPlanning: determining organizational goals and the means for achieving themOrganizing: deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will workfor whomLeading: inspiring and motivating workers to work hard to achieve organizational goalsControlling: monitoring progress towards goal achievement and taking corrective action when neededNew-style managers perform four functions that have evolved out of the traditional functions:making things happen; meeting the competition; organizing people, projects, and processes; andleadingA. Making Things Happen: To make things happen you must determine what you want toaccomplish, plan how to achieve these goals, gather and manage the information needed tomake a good decision, and control performance, so that you can take corrective action ifperformance falls short.B. Meeting the Competition: Free trade agreements, shorter product development cycles, andfewer barriers to entering industries have created increased competition. Companies mustconsider how to deal with international competitors, have a well-thought-out competitivestrategy, be able to embrace change and foster new product and service ideas, and structuretheir organizations to quickly adapt to changing customers and competitors.C. Organizing People: Projects, and Processes: Changes in how a company is organized mustconsider both people issues and work processes (how the work gets done)D. Leading: Motivating and inspiring workersWhat is Management?Management process is the set of ongoing decisions and work activities in which managers engage as they plan, organize, lead,and control.Why Study Management?Management is important for our society, industry and government organizations. The importance ofstudying management can be explained by looking at the way we interact with organizations every day in our lives. Every product we use, every service we receive, and every action we take is provided or affected by organizations. These organizations require managers.Modern management ensures to create competitive advantage through People:A. Top-performing companies recognize the importance of the way they treat their work forcesB.Sound management practices can produce substantial advantages in sales, revenues

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