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"The Tale of Forgive and Flourish"

Amama Abbasi
2024-04-22 03:08:24
In a little town park where the children would play,Leo and Mia were out on a sunny day.They laughed and they ran, enjoying the game,Until a small accident put out their flame.Mia threw the ball, aiming to cheer,But it flew too fast and hit Leo near his ear.Oh, that hurt! Leo cried, tears in his eyes,I didn’t mean it! Mia said with surprise.The sky seemed to darken, the warmth seemed to flee,Mia felt guilty, and Leo wanted to flee.He walked away upset, leaving Mia alone,Her heart sank heavy, like a stone thrown.Days passed, and Leo nursed his hurt pride,Mia missed her friend and the joy of the slide.But alone at the swing, Leo felt something miss,The laughter, the fun, Mia's friendship bliss.Wise old Mr. Crow, perched up in his tree,Called down to Leo, Listen to me,Forgiveness is key, it’s the way to mend,It brings back the joy and your very best friend.Leo thought long as the stars came to view,Realizing indeed what he needed to do.At dawn, he approached Mia, ready to say,I forgive you, Mia, let’s not waste another day.Her face lit with joy, relief washed her through,Grateful for Leo and the forgiveness he knew.Together they played, under skies clear and blue,Their bond now stronger, and their spirits renewed.The children around learned from Leo and Mia,That forgiveness is powerful, with a clear idea:It heals and it soothes, it repairs broken ties,It brightens the world, like the sun in the skies.So remember this story of Mia and Leo,How a simple act of forgiving made their friendship glow.For hearts that forgive can truly revive,In a world of kindness, all love thrives alive

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