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what is a robot

Jack Jackson
2024-04-22 00:01:35
Imagine you have a friend who can do lots of different tasks without getting tired or bored. That friend is a robot! Robots are machines that are designed to help us with all sorts of jobs. They can be big or small, and they can do things like cleaning, building cars, exploring space, and even playing games.Robots are made up of different parts, just like how our bodies have different parts like arms, legs, and a brain. The brain of a robot is called a computer, which tells it what to do. Sometimes people program robots to follow specific instructions, and sometimes robots can even learn on their own, like when they play games and get better over time.Some robots look a lot like us, with arms, legs, and a head, while others might look more like machines with wheels or arms. But no matter how they look, robots are always here to help us make our lives easier and more fun!

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