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Book 5 Lesson 6 Are You One of the Customers Who Businesses Trick? 你是公司欺騙的顧客之一嗎?

2024-05-28 21:29:54
Tom’s Story Tom 的故事We work hard to grow our coffee beans,but then we get almost nothingwhen we sell them.我們努力工作種植咖啡豆,但當我們出售它們時,我們幾乎一無所獲。The price of coffee beansis just too low for us,so we can’t keep our children in school,buy food or pay for health care.咖啡豆的價格對我們來說太低廉了,所以我們不能讓孩子上學、買食物或支付醫療費。The coffee bean buyersare deceiving us.咖啡豆買家欺騙我們。Sometimes, they take our beans firstand then pay for them several months later.有時,他們先拿走我們的豆子,然後在幾個月後才付款。We are mad.我們很生氣。However, there’s nothingwe can do but borrow money.然而,除了借錢,我們別無他法。Borrowing money isexpensive in my countrybecause we usually have topay back two to three times morethan we originally borrowed.在我的國家借錢很昂貴,因為我們通常需要償還比原本借的錢多兩到三倍的錢。Lucy’s Story Lucy 的故事Most of the coffee beans that aregrown in my country are sent to the UKand other countries in Europe.大部分我國種植的咖啡豆都被運往英國和歐洲其他國家。We use the money we getfrom selling the beans to pay forfood, clothes, medicine, and school.我們用賣豆子賺的錢來支付食物、衣服、藥品和學校的費用。Before the fair trade deal,we seldom got paidand had to borrow money.在公平交易協議之前,我們很少得到報酬,而且必須借錢。

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