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Book 5 Lesson 1 Have You Ever Tried These Dishes? 你曾經嘗試過這些菜餚嗎?

2024-05-28 21:28:00
Many Americans are crazy abouthaving delicious doughnuts for breakfast.許多美國人非常熱愛吃美味的甜甜圈當早餐。Doughnuts have been famous for centuries.甜甜圈好幾世紀以來都非常著名。They are popular not only for their low pricebut also because of their great taste.它們受到歡迎不只是因為價格低廉,而且味道也很好。Maybe you have wonderedabout their interesting shape.也許你對它們有趣的形狀感到疑惑。Why do they look like rings?為什麼它們看起來像戒指?Who first put holes in them?是誰最先在它們身上打洞的?In 1847, Hanson Gregory was working on a shipwhen he made the first ring-shaped doughnut.在1847年,當 Hanson Gregory 製作第一個環形甜甜圈時,他正在一艘船上工作。Every time Gregory went to work,his mother would preparea box of round dough balls for him.每次Gregory去上班時,他媽媽都會為他準備一盒圓麵糰。However, it was hard to cookthe centers all the way through,so they often came out raw.然而,麵糰的中間很難完全煮熟,所以中間經常是生的。One time, Gregory didn’t wantto eat that part anymore, so hecut it out with the top of a can.有一次,Gregory不想再吃那個部分,所以他用罐頭的頂端把生的部分切了下來。There are many stories about doughnuts,but this one is the most popular.關於甜甜圈的故事有很多,但這一個是最受歡迎的。ring 環形物hole 洞center 中間raw 生的recipe 食譜

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