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Welcome to presentation by Nimra Fatima

2024-03-19 19:38:28
b. The means of measuring performance depends upon the performance standards that havebeen set, as well as data, such as units produced, quality of output, or profits.c. Most organizations use combinations of both quantitative and qualitative performancemeasures.d. The period of measurement usually depends upon1) The importance of the goal to the organization2) How quickly the situation is likely to change3) The difficulty and expense of rectifying a problem if one were to occur4. Compare performance against standards.a. Reports that summarize planned versus actual results are often developed.b. Management by exception is a control principle which suggests that managers should beinformed of a situation only if control data show a significant deviation from standards.c. Mangers may compare performance and standards through personal observation.d. The 360-degree feedback system described in chapter 10 is being used by a number oforganizations as an evaluation approach.5. Recognize above-standard performance both to give precognition to top performingemployees and also to aid improving performance on regular bases.6. Assess the reason why standards are not met, and take corrective action.7. Adjust standards and measures as necessary.a. Standards and measures need to be checked for relevance.b. Managers must decide whether the cost of meeting certain standards is worth theresources consumed.c. Exceeding a standard may signal opportunities, the potential to raise standards, and/or theneed for possible adjustments in organizational plans.B. Managers can take a number of approaches to deciding what to control.1. Resource dependence is an approach based on the view that managers need to considercontrols mainly in areas in which they depend on others for resources consider control mainlyin areas in which they depend on others for resources necessary to reach organizational goals.a. Strategic control points are performance areas chosen for control because these areparticularly important in meeting organizational goals.b. Strategic control points meet four conditions.1) Dependence on a resource is high because the resource is important and limited inavailability.

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