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Jawad Hussain

2024-03-14 13:45:46
GROUP CONCEPTS, STAGES OF GROUP DEVELOPMENT AND TEAM EFFECTIVENESSWork Group Inputs;Work groThe composition of a the group’s ultimate success, so careful consideration should be made in making group assignments.Individuals may be attracted to a group because of friendships, interest in the activities of the group, shared values, the need for affiliation, and the need to fulfill objectives outside those of the group.Characteristics of members that influence group effectiveness include task-relevant expertise, interpersonal skills, and diversity in the makeup of the group to include sufficient individual skills and interest.Individuals may be attracted to a group because of friendships, interest in the activities of the group, shared values, the need for affiliation, and the need to fulfill objectives outside those of the group.Group task rolesThe initiator-contributor proposes goals, suggests way of approaching tasks, and recommends procedures for approaching a problem or task.The information seeker asks for information, view points, and suggestions about the problem or task.The information giver offers information, viewpoints, and suggestions about the problem or task.The coordinator clarifies and synthesizes various ideas in aneffort to tie together the work of the members.e) The orienter summarizes, points to departures from goals, andraises questions about discussion direction.f) The energizer stimulates the group to higher levels of work andbetter quality.Group SizeThe number of individuals in a group influences how the members interact.Very small groups have a number of disadvantagesIn two-person groups, or dyads, members are either at odds frequently or are extremely polite to avoid differences.Three-person groups frequently lead to two-against-one situationsEven-numbered groups often lead to deadlocksVery small groups have a number of disadvantagesGroups of five to seven are ideal because of enough input and the lack of deadlocks.Large groups beyond seven and more so beyond eleven, pose difficulties.Interactions tend to become centralized to a few members.Overall group satisfaction declinesInteractions become too lengthy when complex issues are consideredGroup performanceSocial loafing is the tendency of individuals to expend less effort when working in groups than when working alone.Free riders are individuals who engage in social loafing in a group

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