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Name Abubakar Class BBA Roll No 23206 Lesson No :5 MANAGERIAL LEVELS AND SKILLS

2024-03-14 14:50:25
Technical skills include knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized field, suchas engineering, computers, accounting, or manufacturing. These skills are more important atlower levels of management since these managers are dealing directly with employees doing theorganization’s work.b Human skills are associated with a manager’s ability to work well with others both as a memberof a group and as a leader who gets things done through others. Because managers deal directlywith people, this skill is crucial! Managers with good human skills are able to get the best out oftheir people. They know how to communicate, motivate, lead, and inspire enthusiasm andtrust. These skills are equally important at all levels of management.c Conceptual skills are skills related to the ability to visualize the organization as a whole, discerninterrelationships among organizational parts, and understand how the organization fit into thewider context of the industry, community, and world. Conceptual skills are the skills managersmust have to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations. Using theseskills, managers must be able to see the organization as a whole, understand the relationshipsamong various submits, and visualize how the organization fits into its broader environment.C. The concept of organizational performance was analyzed by Peter Drucker.1. Effectiveness is the ability to choose appropriate goals and to achieve those goals.2. Efficiency is the ability to make the best use of available resources in the process of achievinggoals. Efficiency is the ration of inputs used to achieve some level of outputsManaging in the 21st century:A. The world of business has changed dramatically in the past generation or so. Technology hasshrunk distances; made communications possible in real-time all around the globe; made possiblecomputers with incredibly large memories and super fast speeds; made us more aware of differentplaces, peoples and cultures; and provided businesses with the opportunity to compete in nearlyany market in the world.B. Four trends are likely to impact managerial work in the future.1. Successful managers in the twenty-first century will have to be able to guide their companies2. The work force is becoming increasingly diverse.3. Businesses increasingly face global competition

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