Create AI Video
Create AI Video


jake chain
2024-04-04 21:17:30
EducationEducation appears important in the upbringing of the entrepreneur, in the level of educationobtained and in playing a major role in coping with problems. Although formal education is notnecessary for starting a new business, it does provide a good background. In education, femaleentrepreneurs previously experienced some disadvantage, with few having degrees inengineering, science, or math. The ability to deal with people and communicate clearly in writtenand spoken work is also important.Personal ValuesStudies have failed to indicate that entrepreneurs can be differentiated on personal valued frommanagers, unsuccessful entrepreneurs, or the general public. Leadership, support, aggression,benevolence, conformity, creativity, veracity, and resource seeking may also be important. Asuccessful entrepreneur is frequently characterized as a winner; winning may be a prerequisitefor his or her actually becoming one.AgeEntrepreneurial age is the age of the entrepreneur reflected in the experience. Entrepreneurialexperience is one of the best predictors of success. In chronological age, most entrepreneurs starttheir careers between ages 22 and 55. Earlier starts in an entrepreneurial career seem to be betterthan later ones. Generally, male entrepreneurs start their first venture in their early 30s, whilewomen tend to do so in their middle 30s.Work HistoryDissatisfaction with one’s job often motivates the launching of a new venture. Previous technicaland industry experience is also important once the decision to start a business is made.Experience in the following areas is particularly important: financing; product or servicedevelopment; manufacturing; development of distribution channels; and preparation of amarketing plan. As the venture becomes established, managerial experience and skills becomemore important. Entrepreneurial experience becomes increasingly important as the complexity ofthe venture increases.MOTIVATION While motivations may vary, the reason cited most often for becoming anentrepreneur independence-not wants to work for anyone else. Other motivating factors differbetween male and female entrepreneurs. Money is the second reason for men’s starting a venture.Job satisfaction, achievement, opportunity, and money are the second order reasons for womenhe second reason for men’s starting a venture.Job satisfaction, achievement, opportunity, and money are the second order reasons for womenhe second reason for men’s starting a venture.Job satisfaction, achievement, opportunity, and money are the second order reasons for women

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