Principal of management
eman Khan
1. Who are managers?2. What do managers do?3. What is management?4. Why study management?What is Management?Simply speaking, management is what managers do. However, this simple statement doesn’t tell us much.We define management as the process of coordinating and integrating work activities so that they arecompleted efficiently and effectively with and through other people. Let’s look at some specific parts of thisdefinition.The process represents the ongoing functions of primary activities engaged in by managers. These functionsare typically labeled planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Let us remember it by POLCA.Why Study Management?Management is important for our society, industry and government organizations. The importance ofstudying management can be explained by looking at the way we interact with organizations every day inour lives. Every product we use, every service we receive, and every action we take is provided or affectedby organizations. These organizations require managers.Modern management ensures to create competitive advantage through People:A. Top-performing companies recognize the importance of the way they treat their work forces.B. These companies use ideas such as employee satisfaction, selective recruiting, performance basedhigh wages , reduction of status differences, sharing information, self-managed teams, and trainingand skill development .C. Investing in people will create long-lasting competitive advantages that are difficult for othercompanies to duplicate.D. Sound management practices can produce substantial advantages in sales, revenues, and customersatisfaction.E. Poorly performing companies that adopted management techniques as simple as settingexpectations, coaching, and rewarding were able to substantially improve return on investment.F. Good management can increase customer satisfaction because employees tend to treat customersthe same way that their managers treat them.By studying management, students will be able to recognize good management and encourage it, as well asto recognize poor management and work to get it corrected.After graduation, you will either manage or be managed. A course in management provides insights into theway your boss or peer behave and shall help you to be familiar with the internal working of organizations.