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Book 5 Lesson 1 Have You Ever Tried These Dishes? 你曾經嘗試過這些菜餚嗎?

2024-06-06 18:53:21
In a restaurant在餐廳裡So, have you been tothis restaurant before?那麼,你以前曾經來過這間餐廳嗎?It’s one of my favorites.這是我最喜愛的餐廳之一。Yes, I’ve eaten here before.是的,我以前曾經在這裡用餐。The food is great.食物很棒。Nobody can makepizzas like they do!沒有人可以製作出像他們一樣的披薩!waving to the waiter向服務生揮手That’s true.沒錯。They’ve been one of themost successful pizza placeson the island for years.他們多年來一直是這座島上最成功的披薩店之一。Hi, have you decidedon your order yet?嗨,您已經決定好要點什麼了嗎?Yes, I’d like to have a9-inch Cheese King pizza.是的,我想要一個九吋的起司王披薩。Of course.當然。Coming right up!馬上來!15 minutes later十五分鐘後Here is your order.這是您點的餐。Enjoy your meal!請享用您的餐點!Excuse me, we ordered a9-inch Cheese King pizza,but you’ve just brought ustwo 5-inch pizzas.不好意思,我們點了一個九吋的起司王披薩,但是你剛剛拿給我們兩個五吋的披薩。Oh, I’m so sorry about that!噢,我對此感到很抱歉!Let me check with the cook.讓我跟廚師確認。I’ll be right back.我馬上回來。5 minutes later五分鐘後Our new cook has gottenone or two orders wrong today.我們的新廚師今天已經弄錯了一、兩個訂單。Sorry about that.關於此事很抱歉。But you don’t need topay more for ten inches.不過你們不需要付更多錢買十吋披薩。

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