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village girl

2024-03-25 23:28:31
Early in the morning when the sun just starts to rise, her mother screams from outside“Sarita, Why are you still sleeping ? Wake up fast and help me milk the Buffalo.”Her mother keeps yelling for few time and finally Sarita wakes up and washed her face and then makes the fire to make tea. She(Sarita- The Elder Child) rushes to her mother and helps her mother milk the buffalo. While doing so, she asks her mother “Mother, you don’t let me sleep nicely. Yesterday I was very tired working in the field.” Mother replies by saying“Don’t asks me the same things again and again.You have no other options other than do the work. Shut up and help me.”She then makes tea for the rest of other family member( mother, father, two brothers and a sister just younger than her). She then cleans the surrounding and goes cook food. (Usually, they have light breakfast( Roti + milk/tea) in the early morning. Rice at the noon and Roti again at the night.) She cooks food fast so that she can be ready to go to school which is 1 hour walk from her home(way up the hill). Its already 8:30 and she isn’t ready. With hurry, she gets ready and leaves the home at 9 and begins her daily journey of an hour to her school.

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