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Hitesh Dheevar
2024-04-14 17:05:17
INT. COZY CAFÉ - DAYSoft jazz music plays in the background as the cozy café bustles with customers. SARAH, a young woman with a warm smile, sits alone at a table, sipping her coffee. Suddenly, JACK, a charming and confident man, approaches.JACK: (smiling) Mind if I join you?SARAH: (surprised but intrigued) Um, sure.Jack takes a seat across from Sarah, his eyes sparkling with interest.JACK: (gesturing to her book) What are you reading?SARAH: (blushing slightly) Oh, just a novel. Nothing too exciting.JACK: (leaning in) I love a good story. What's it about?SARAH: (smiling) It's a love story, actually. About two people who find each other against all odds.Jack's gaze meets Sarah's, a connection sparking between them.JACK: (softly) Sounds intriguing. Almost like fate brought them together.SARAH: (nodding) Yeah, something like that.They share a moment of silence, lost in each other's eyes.JACK: (breaking the silence) Hey, would you like to go out for dinner sometime? Maybe we can create our own love story.Sarah's heart skips a beat as she looks at Jack, a shy smile spreading across her face.SARAH: (blushing) I'd like that. A lot.They exchange numbers, their hands brushing against each other as they do. The café fades into the background as they continue to talk, the beginning of their own love story unfolding.

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