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Okay, lets begin to the main topic. Today we'll discuss about Cytomegalovirus

Imanuel Yuerrico Subianto
2024-05-04 21:36:09
Hello everyone! This time we will discuss about CMV or Cytomegalovirus which is one of the members of the Herpes Virus family. Cytomegalovirus is the herpes virus with the largest genetic content and is an endemic virus worldwide, including in Indonesia. Cytomegalovirus infects between 60% to 70% of adults in developed countries and almost 100% in developing countries. Approximately 59% of the population over the age of six has been affected by CMV, and the population seroprevalence increases with age. In 2022, the Ministry of Health reported 35 cases of probable acute hepatitis, with one of the most commonly found pathogens being Cytomegalovirus. This virus is also associated with congenital and perinatal infections that can result in CID or Cytomegalic Inclusion Disease. Cytomegalovirus is one of the TORCH agents, namely Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes. Now, for transmission, CMV can occur through direct contact with the source of infection, not through food/drinks. Examples of CMV transmission can occur through various ways, such as through saliva, blood products (transfusion, organ transplantation), breastfeeding, placenta (congenital infection), and sexual transmission.CMV belongs to the Herpesvirus family, friends. Oh yes, CMV can also be called Human Herpesvirus 5. Of all human herpes viruses, CMV has the largest genetic content, friends. This virus contains a DNA genome of 240 kbp or 240,000 base pairs, wow, quite a lot, right! CMV produces a typical cytopathic effect, namely the enlargement of host cells. In addition to having intranuclear inclusions that are characteristic of the Herpes virus, this virus has perinuclear cytoplasmic inclusions that resemble the eyes of an owl

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