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Describing People

Eric Yang
2024-04-21 08:54:58
Speaking of remarkable individuals, the first one that comes to my mind is Li Hua. He has a sturdy build, standing shy of six feet tall. Wearing a warm smile, he is always brimming with vitality and enthusiasm. On the surface, he is just a common elder, but deep down, he is a seasoned traveler who has amassed a wealth of experiences and stories.Mr. Li was a successful businessman in his youth. He traveled extensively around the world, accumulating riches and wisdom. He is fluent in multiple languages, including English, French, and Chinese. Moreover, he is adept at collaboration, achieving great success in the business world. He once founded a company and led his team to turn it into a well-known enterprise in the industry.Mr. Li is also an avid traveler. He has journeyed to various parts of the world, gaining profound insights into different cultures and customs. He has a deep appreciation for Chinese culture, spending three years learning Chinese and now being able to communicate fluently in the language. He even embarked on a hiking expedition along the Great Wall of China and penned a thick travelogue to document his journey.What surprises me is that he also cooks delicious Chinese dishes, such as Kung Pao Chicken and Tomato Egg Stir-fry, effortlessly. He told me he enjoys inviting friends and colleagues over for meals; hence, he made an effort to master Chinese cuisine.Furthermore, Mr. Li is a sports enthusiast. He was a renowned soccer player in his hometown in his youth, achieving outstanding results in various competitions. He still has a passion for sports, frequently participating in various athletic activities. In fact, he swims and hikes several times a week, maintaining excellent physical health.To me, Mr. Li has not only imparted invaluable life lessons but also inspired me to be open-minded and adventurous. Initially, I was intimidated by his garrulous nature because I am more introverted. But the first time he invited me to his home for dinner, I was touched by his warmth and friendliness. Over time, I began to appreciate his unique personality and gradually adapted to his conversational style. Eventually, I even started to enjoy his company and our conversations.

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