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Government of Athens, By Nipalang Gish

Nipalangbweh Gish
2024-09-25 19:22:48
IntroductionAncient greece is known as birthplace of democracy, and Athens is the city where it all began. The government of athens was way different than what we see today but  many of its ideas are still used a lot in present day.I will explain how democracy in athens worked and how it began to change over time, andwhy it was  so  important.HistoryAthens was a major city state in ancient greece and became a very powerful place in the 5th and 4th centuries BCE. before democraccy came along  athens had diferent ways they organized government like the monarchy system andoligarchy which is when a land isruled by different small groups. By the sixth century people where angry because wealthy people had the most power so athens had to make a lot of new changes so civilians had a bettter chance of gettingrule.Solon’s ReformsIn the early 6th century a person called Solon was given a job to solve athen’s problems.He gave new rules that took off people’s debts and helped regular citizens have more to say about the government. He also created 4 different social classes based on wealth and each class had  different levels of power.The Council of 500The group of 500 was a group of citizens who helped run the government. These people were randomly chosen from the population. The council handled basic tasks like taking care of money and other counties in Athens.The CourtsAthenian democracy had a system of courts where citizens could settle issues and make legal decisions.

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