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Alice Prologue

madison mcbride
2024-04-29 01:10:59
Fade in to a bustling morning scene as children board a school bus. Among them, ALICE, a timid elementary school girl, hesitates before taking her seat.INT. SCHOOL BUS - MORNINGALICE (in her thoughts)I hope today is better than yesterday.DIMITRI, a bully with a mischievous grin, yanks Alice's hair, while DWINDLE, his sidekick, taunts her.DIMITRIHey, Wet Alice! You gonna cry again today?DWINDLEYeah, crybaby!Alice clenches her fists, holding back tears as the bus rumbles along.ALICE (in her thoughts)Ignore them. Just ignore them.As the bus approaches the school, Alice prepares to exit, her bladder pressing urgently.ALICE (in her thoughts)I have to make it to the restroom.But as she steps off the bus, Dimitri blocks her path, a malicious glint in his eyes.DIMITRIBoo!Startled, Alice loses control and wets herself, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Dimitri and Dwindle burst into laughter.ALICE (in a small voice)No...

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