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the story of Jael

James DS Muan
2024-08-28 15:28:28
Jael in the Bible was the wife of a man named Heber, who was a Kenite. The Kenites were related to the Midianites. Jael features in the book of Judges as a heroic woman who killed Sisera, the leader of King Jabin’s Canaanite army. Jabin was trying to conquer Israel, which was at that time under the leadership of Deborah, a prophetess and the only female to judge the nation of Israel.When Sisera and his army came against Israel, Deborah sent word to Barak of the tribe of Naphtali that he was to fight the Canaanites and deliver Israel from Jabin’s hand. Barak was unwilling to go into battle without Deborah by his side. Deborah agreed to go with him but told him that, because of his reticence, a woman would get the honor of killing Sisera, the captain of Jabin’s army (Judges 4:4–7).As the Israelites were winning the battle, as prophesied by Deborah, Sisera left his decimated army at the Kishon River and fled on foot (Judges 4:16–17). He came to Heber’s property and sought refuge there, knowing that Heber was in alliance with King Jabin. Heber’s wife, Jael, welcomed Sisera with the words “Come, my lord, come right in. Don’t be afraid” (Judges 4:18). She brought Sisera into her tent, covered him with a blanket, and gave him some milk to drink (verses 18–19). Jael was kind and hospitable, but she had an ulterior motive.

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