In a tranquil meadow, reside Swifttail, a swift yet boastful rabbit, and Rocky, a slow yet determined tortoise.
Owais Qureshi
The Swift and the SteadyOnce upon a time, in a peaceful meadow, there lived a swift and boastful rabbit named Swifttail and a slow yet determined tortoise named Rocky. Swifttail was known for his overconfidence, while Rocky, though slow, possessed a steady determination.One sunny day, Swifttail couldn't resist showing off his speed to Rocky. I'm the fastest creature in the meadow, he declared, challenging Rocky to a race. The meadow animals gathered to witness the unusual competition between speed and steadiness.The race began with Swifttail darting ahead, leaving Rocky plodding along at his own pace. Swifttail, sure of victory, decided to take a nap under a tree. Meanwhile, Rocky continued his slow but steady journey.To everyone's surprise, when Swifttail woke up, he found Rocky just a few steps away from the finish line. The crowd erupted in cheers as Rocky crossed the finish line, proving that slow and steady wins the race.The moral of the story is clear - overconfidence can lead to negligence, while determination and consistency, no matter how slow, can eventually lead to success. Swifttail learned the valuable lesson that bragging about one's abilities doesn't guarantee victory, and sometimes, it's the steady effort that triumphs in the end.